Episode 084: The Island Of Dr. Moreau (1996)

Let the insanity flow from actor to director to manimal.

Directed by John Frankenheimer & Richard Stanley. Starring Marlon Brando, Val Kilmer, David Thewlis, Fairuza Balk and Nelson de la Rosa.

How is the world wrong about The Island Of Dr. Moreau?

From Bryan: A troubled production that became tabloid fodder. The behind the scenes shenanigans of two directors in over their heads and unruly method actors may have tainted people’s opinions of this strange, unique film. Brando and Kilmer are really going for it here. Time for the hate to stop now. In this month of Shocktober let’s maybe give this creature filled horror film a chance.


Episode 085: The Indian Runner (1991)


Episode 083: Spartan (2004)