Episode 041: The Front (1976) with Aaron Leonard

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A film from 1976 about the anti-Communist blacklist. Written, directed and acted by formerly blacklisted artists, and starring Woody Allen. Featuring guest co-host Aaron Leonard author of “The Folksingers & The Bureau”.

Directed by by Martin Ritt (blacklisted 1951), written by Walter Bernstein (blacklisted 1950) and co-starring Michael Murphy, Andrea Marcovicci & Zero Mostel, Herschel Bernard, Loyd Gough & Joshua Shelly (blacklisted in 1950, 53, 52 and 52, respectively). Starring Woody Allen.

How is the world wrong about this movie?

From Andras: The world is wrong about Woody Allen. The world is wrong about 20th century anti-Communism. And the world is wrong about anti-semitism. Danny Peary chose “The Front” as his best picture of 1976 in his book “The Alternate Oscars” and it feels like a big influence on Larry David. For reasons that are probably obvious, this film (which has so much to say to us at this particular cultural moment) is not a part of the cultural dialogue. Let’s change that.


Episode 042: The Hi-Lo Country (1998)


Episode 040: Nothing But Trouble (1991)