Episode Zero: Your Hosts

Andras Jones and Bryan Connolly

Andras Jones & Bryan Connolly introduce themselves to the listeners with an episode devoted to sharing their influences, favorites and go-to resources for film criticism and appreciation. This is a good opportunity for listeners to calibrate their tastes with ours and see if they wish to spend their hours in our company.

The Director's Wall Podcast: https://directorswall.com/
The Radio8Ball Show: http://www.radio8ball.com/
Destroy All Movies: http://fantagraphics.com/flog/destroy-all-movies-the-complete-guide-to-punks-on-film-previews-pre-order/

Andras Jones pop oracle radio 8 ball
Bryan Connolly Vulcan Video Adult Swim

BLEEDING SKULL: http://bleedingskull.com/ 
THE OUTSIDER: https://video.vice.com/en_us/show/outsider
ROGER EBERT: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews

BELOW is the pilot for a never-made series produced, directed and edited by Andras Jones about the clerks at Vulcan Video in Austin, Texas including their manger Bryan Connolly.


Episode 001: Mad Dog Time aka Trigger Happy (1996)